Welcome to the UltraEscape

No home, no car, no worries. On the road since 1996, a TechNomad couple share their travel secrets and adventures.

Looking for a Lifestyle Description

For the past 12 years we have been traveling the United States and beyond. We began as full-time RV'ers. However, during the past several years we have been traveling via rental car and exploring the joys of Bed & Breakfast's, Resort Hotels and Historic Inns. We love the lifestyle and plan to share our secrets with you.

We would like to come up with a term or name to describe our lifestyle. We are often ask questions such as "Were are you from?" or "Where do you live?" or "What do you do?"

These questions should be easy to answer. However, we find it difficult to come up with a term to describe our travel lifestyle. My mother always told people we were homeless. My daughter says, "My parents lived in an RV but now they live in a car".

We explored the term "TechNomad."

1 comment:

M G said...

I have no idea what you might call yourselves! I have come up with some Italian and Spanish words that we can intergrate!
Traveler = Viaggiatore
Rich = Ricco
Lifestyle = Stile di vita
Homeless = Senzatetto
Worldly = Mondana
Technology = Tecnologia

In a car = en un coche

What do you think?