Welcome to the UltraEscape

No home, no car, no worries. On the road since 1996, a TechNomad couple share their travel secrets and adventures.

Seagate Exceeds Goals

It's been a month as of today, that we discovered Seagate Cottage, our vacation rental. We have extended for another month and are seriously thinking about returning next year. The place exceeds all of the goals we set for our first extended stay:

Goal 1
The ability to do without a rental car. There are many shops, banks, restaurants and stores nearby. Walking is good exercise and when you don't have a car there are no excuses for not taking the opportunities offered.

Goal 2
Convenient public transportation. The bus stop is a block away. The bus runs every 1/2 to 1 hour. The route passes by most of the businesses we need for daily living. Great for walking to store and returning with grocery bags.

Goal 3
Lots of opportunities for exercise. There are miles of flat beach to walk with lots of interesting sights only a block away. There are bikes and biking lanes. In fact, some streets have more pedestrian travel than auto especially on the weekends. There are stairs to negotiate.

Goal 4
Lots of friendly people and opportunities for socializing; especially now that it is spring break for many areas. Bukket's in Jax beach or the Lemon Bar in Neptune Beach seem to be the local hangouts.

How are we doing? Well, we are not losing any weight that we can notice. Inches? Maybe. Mental health? Great. It is a great place to relax, work on personal projects and write. Our energy levels are up.

Projects for the coming month? Work on that farmer's tan now that the weather is warming up. Continue to share computer time with the goal of eventually reducing the number of computers we travel with. Continue to exercise, eat right and keep the budget in line by eating in.

It's always good to do a quick review and see where you stand. Are your reaching the goals you set for yourself?

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